Description: Haptic is a tactile feedback technology that takes advantage of a user’s sense of touch by applying force, vibration and/or motions. It is a form of human-computer interaction (HCI).
Software used : WinAVR Cross compiler, HID Boot Flash.
Language : embedded C.
This below pic is a prototype model built by me and three friends (prahbu, indhudhar and yashaswi )
The actual surgical robot is as shown bellow:
Here is a video demonstrating how a surgical robot works
A brief info on our project is as follows:
Robotic Surgery is a microsurgery in which the surgeon performs surgery by manipulating the hands of a robot. Robotic surgery is the use of robots in performing surgery. Three major advances aided by surgical robots have been remote surgery, minimally invasive surgery and unmanned surgery. Major advantages of robotic surgery are precision, miniaturization, smaller incisions, decreased blood loss, less pain, and quicker healing time. Further advantages are articulation beyond normal manipulation and three-dimensional magnification. Robots are being used in increasingly complex surgical procedures. However these robots are not autonomous machines that carry out simple, pre-programmed instructions.
Operating theatre robots are designed to supplement a surgeon's abilities, translating human movements into incredibly steady and accurate robotic movements, which, in turn, manipulate instruments to aid delicate operations. But minimally invasive procedures, using instruments controlled by humans, have their limitations. For one, instruments are not in the surgeon's direct control, being manipulated by assistants. And the instrument's positioning within the body is subject to human tremors and fatigue, which makes working on minute structures difficult and dangerous
By handing control of the surgical instruments over to a robot and positioning the surgeon at a comfortable console with a 3D or and high- resolution display at 10 to 20 times magnification – surgery is easier and more accurate. Rather than stopping the heart and performing a sternotomy or a thoracotomy, just three 8 to 10 mm long incisions are required for two robotic arms with tiny instruments and a third for a camera.
Hardware Description:
Here are hardware parts that we used in our project
- AVR Development Board 118010:
The AVR is a Modified Harvard architecture 8-bit RISC single chip microcontroller which was developed by Atmel in 1996. The AVR was one of the first microcontroller families to use on- chip flash memory for program storage, as opposed to One-Time Programmable ROM, EPROM, or EEPROM used by other microcontrollers at the time.
Atmel's low power, high performance AVR microcontrollers handle demanding 8 and 16-bit applications. With a single cycle instruction RISC CPU, innovative Pico Power® technology, and a rich feature set, the AVR architecture ensures fast code execution combined with the lowest possible power consumption.
Whether you program in C or assembly, the tuned AVR instructions decrease program size and development time. The well-defined I/O structure limits the need for external components and reduces development cost. A variety of internal oscillators, timers, UARTs, SPIs, Pulse Width Modulation, pull-up resistors, ADCs, Analog Comparators and Watch-Dog Timers are some of the features available for creative engineers.
The AVR microcontrollers are divided into 4 families tiny AVR, mega AVR, XMEGA and Application specific AVR. Among these 4 families of AVR, the chip used here is Atmel popular AVR micro controller “ATmega8”.
- Potentiometer
- DC Motor
- 9V Battery
- Spur Gear, Worm Gear etc..
Future scope:
- Video monitoring can be employed.
- Wireless sensors can be used to replace potentiometers.
- Advanced motors like stepper, servomotors can be used instead of DC motors.
- Haptic feedback can be designed for more precession.
Our prototype model met our expectations. It was mainly designed to realise the concept of surgical robot using Haptic technology.
If you have any ideas of improving this model then plz send your suggestions to my mail.